
+886 7341 7110
Biodegradable Oyster Shell Powder Drinking Straws | Leading Biodegradable Material Manufacturer in Taiwan | Natural Fiber Material | Biodegradable Sea Shell Powder Material | Sea Shell Powder Compound | Sea Shell Powder Sheet | Sea Shell Powder Drinking Straws | Sea Shell Powder Injection Material | Sea Shell Powder Extrusion Material | Sea Shell Powder Master Batch | Biodegradable Rice Husk Powder Material | Rice Husk Powder Compound | Biodegradable Raw Material | PLA | Biodegradable Food Packaging Products

Biodegradable Oyster Shell Powder Drinking Straws

Recycle & Reuse Fishery Waste


Biodegradable Products | Leading Biodegradable Material Manufacturer in Taiwan | Natural Fiber Material | Biodegradable Sea Shell Powder Material | Sea Shell Powder Compound | Sea Shell Powder Sheet | Sea Shell Powder Drinking Straws | Sea Shell Powder Injection Material | Sea Shell Powder Extrusion Material | Sea Shell Powder Master Batch | Biodegradable Rice Husk Powder Material | Rice Husk Powder Compound | Biodegradable Raw Material | PLA | Biodegradable Food Packaging Products

Biodegradable Material

On average, each dental floss stick will only stay in your mouth for less than a minute, but it may remain in the environment for a hundred years after being discarded and buried.

Our dental floss sticks are made of biodegradable materials. No toxic substances will give out during incineration.

Reduce CO2 | Leading Biodegradable Material Manufacturer in Taiwan | Natural Fiber Material | Biodegradable Sea Shell Powder Material | Sea Shell Powder Compound | Sea Shell Powder Sheet | Sea Shell Powder Drinking Straws | Sea Shell Powder Injection Material | Sea Shell Powder Extrusion Material | Sea Shell Powder Master Batch | Biodegradable Rice Husk Powder Material | Rice Husk Powder Compound | Biodegradable Raw Material | PLA | Biodegradable Food Packaging Products

Reduce plastic, Reduce CO2

According to PlasticsEurope, the global warming potential (GWP) performance of conventional plastics ranges from 1.6403 to 6.4 kg CO2eq/kg material, while that of bio-based polymers ranges from -0.3 to 11.9 kgCO2e/kg material.

It is estimated that replacing 65.8% of the total petrochemical plastics with bio-base ones would abate 241–316 MtCO2e per year.

oyster shell powder Products | Leading Biodegradable Material Manufacturer in Taiwan | Natural Fiber Material | Biodegradable Sea Shell Powder Material | Sea Shell Powder Compound | Sea Shell Powder Sheet | Sea Shell Powder Drinking Straws | Sea Shell Powder Injection Material | Sea Shell Powder Extrusion Material | Sea Shell Powder Master Batch | Biodegradable Rice Husk Powder Material | Rice Husk Powder Compound | Biodegradable Raw Material | PLA | Biodegradable Food Packaging Products

Recycle & Reuse Fishery Waste

Oyster is the major products of aquaculture in the west of Taiwan, and it yield 160 thousand tons of waste oyster shell every year. The waste shell caused environmental pollution and hygiene issue.

We recycle the oyster shells and turn them into Eco-friendly material which not only solve environmental problems but also reduces the use of plastics.

anti-bacteria | Leading Biodegradable Material Manufacturer in Taiwan | Natural Fiber Material | Biodegradable Sea Shell Powder Material | Sea Shell Powder Compound | Sea Shell Powder Sheet | Sea Shell Powder Drinking Straws | Sea Shell Powder Injection Material | Sea Shell Powder Extrusion Material | Sea Shell Powder Master Batch | Biodegradable Rice Husk Powder Material | Rice Husk Powder Compound | Biodegradable Raw Material | PLA | Biodegradable Food Packaging Products

Natural Anti-bacteria Effect

With the growth of industrial technology and the development of chemical compounds, chemical antibacterial agents are widely used. We are always exposed to various chemical antibacterial agents.

Therefore, we use wasted oyster shells to develop natural and Eco-friendly antibacterial material with FDA approved.

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Biodegradable Oyster Shell Powder Drinking Straws | Leading Biodegradable Material Manufacturer in Taiwan | Natural Fiber Material | Biodegradable Sea Shell Powder Material | Sea Shell Powder Compound | Sea Shell Powder Sheet | Sea Shell Powder Drinking Straws | Sea Shell Powder Injection Material | Sea Shell Powder Extrusion Material | Sea Shell Powder Master Batch | Biodegradable Rice Husk Powder Material | Rice Husk Powder Compound | Biodegradable Raw Material | PLA | Biodegradable Food Packaging Products

Biodegradable Oyster Shell Powder Drinking Straws